Tuesday, July 12, 2005



We moved this weekend into our three bedroom bachelor pad, and Wha finally decided to let his couch get tossed. It has only been sitting in our old apartment since last August stinking and reaking of mold, mildew, and god knows what else was growing in there. We never said much about it before seeing as people actually slept on it when they visited (Brad, you and Lauren may want to get a routine check-up soon). The catch is this, Wha leaves me and Skippy to pitch the couch while he is in class that afternoon(the explanation as to why we were drinking beer at the pool with Jessie and Gene that afternoon). So we go to Goodwill in the middle of BFE (actually it was Southeast Charlotte, way way Southeast Charlotte), they tell us that they cannot accept the couch because a coushion had a cover ripped or torn or whatever the hell was wrong with it. On top of that, they have no idea where the closest dumpster is. Skippy and I have to return the Uhaul in less than an hour with at least a thirty minute drive to the rental spot. We are now stuck with Wha's old dirty ass couch not knowing what to do. Luckily we were on the non-swimming side of town and found an apartment complex that was primarily filled with ex-cotton pickers. Skippy whips in to where the dumpster is located, we hop out Wha's jeep, slide open the Uhaul door, and pitch the couch next to a dumpster. As we pull away, some old dark lady is glaring at us wondering what the fuck two cracker ass white boys is doing in her hood. We arent sure if she was pissed that we dumped on her property or was getting dibs on the couch. Either way, we got rid of it and returned the Uhaul in time. This is why we drank beer that afternoon, for doing the dirty work for Wha and pitching his couch that I have been trying to get him to get rid of for the last several months.

They were in southeast Charlotte due to a blantant act of ignorance by Skippy thinking. He THOUGHT he knew where something was located that he possibly drove past once in his life as opposed to driving down South Blvd (2 miles from the apartment) and looking for Goodwill or Salvation Army signs like I instructed. Especially considering this is the same street the Uhaul location we used is located and there are plenty of dumpsters, namely one at my office, within 5 minutes should the search be pointless. Also, I noted that I would just pitch the couch if they couldn't take it.
There is a dumpster at your office we could have used... would have been helpful information...on SATURDAY. I dont think Wha understands that we didn't exactly have enough time to drive back to the apartment to unload the couch to be pitched later and still return the Uhaul on time, trust us, we were going to do that and let him deal with the couch at a later time.
As you can tell folks, this arrangement is going to work juuuuust swell. I look forward to the aggressive blogposts and mail battles that will ensure. It's too bad really, they were good friends just a week ago.
Everyone was well aware there was an ice big dumpster at my office Saturday morning. Waht they weren't aware of was this thing called a phone book you can use to look places up before you drive across town looking for them. Especially when a similar location is very nearby. I have grad school to help me run and hide for the next year and I'm not afraid to sleep in my office. I know, I've seen me do it.
I thought it was awesome, Agent. LOL! Bwhaahahahah!
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