Thursday, September 29, 2005


Another year older

So my birthday has come and passed and I really dont feel any older. Skippy, Wha, myself, and a friend from Clemson grilled steaks here Tuesday and baked some massive potatoes to celebrate the day. Wha burnt the ever loving shit out of a huge Ribeye that had potential to be a great steak (Wha you are cut off from cooking). Afterwards we went to Wild Wings for a few beers with Faith and Lyndsay. Thats it. What a fucking boring birthday. I will see my parents and one of my sisters this weekend at the Wake game, so hopefully something good will come out of the weekend. I really am not looking forward to the weekend to be honest, my whole has me pretty pissed about the upcoming holiday season. Apparently being single has practically made my opionion of the holidays null and void. Thanksgiving will now be held the weekend of Clemson/USC. So needless to say, I wont be seeing my parents for Thanksgiving this year. Christmas will also be held the weekend before Christmas to alleviate traveling on my sisters when they have to visit their in-laws. Ahem, what the fuck about me. I guess they expect me to drive home for Christmas the weekend before, then on the actual weekend of Christmas my parents will visit one of my sisters while I .... sit in my apartment by myself!! Oh wait, I could drive to one of my sisters houses, but doesnt that put me in the same predicament as either sister (traveling out of town twice for one holiday). I officially boycotted the holiday season a full two months before it starts.

I suggest you start drinking. Heavily.
OH, shit, I'm sorry. I, too, haven't really had a great birthday since I started work. Here's a rundown:

Last year: I don't remember what I did, but I worked that day.
The year before: We buried Cyndi's Grandma.
The year before that: My sister was in the hospital, and we visited her.
The year before that: I hung out with a bunch of pseudofriends from work.

Don't worry, when you get married, the Holidays will only mean an argument about seeing family.
Lessons to learn here:
Don't get married
Don't have birthdays
Family (sometimes) and most of their events suck but are unavoidable. Start drinking well beforehand.
Pray you can find a chic to hang out with on the side that agrees.
Yeah marriage is real fun. If you are bitchin now about not seeing your fam on your own, wait until you get a wife and have to "share" holidays! This year works out well though for the wife and I as I have to work Christmas week and her family gets us for Christmas.
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