Thursday, January 26, 2006


a $300 oil change

No, thats not how much oil my tanker truck takes. I also told them to check out my brakes because they were making horrible squeaking noise. I changed my rear brakes over Christmas hoping that would solve the problem (my front brakes were previously replace in Octoberish). While changing the back right brake, I noticed a lot of fluid on the rotor and brake shoe, but didnt give it much thought. The people at American Auto informed me that I had a bad valve on my rear end (no jokes here) and rear end fluid (please, no jokes) was leaking. Also, my rotors needed a little machining. So after an oil change, machining the rotors, replacing the valve, rear brakes shoes, refilling my rear end with fluid, and something else that was required, my bill totaled just under $300. Actually not a bad price for the work that was done, but... my damn truck still squeaks when I brake. It sounds like the noise is coming from my right front, but seeing as they also checked my front brakes and saw no issues, I am wondering what to do about it now. The cheapest solution would be to spend $20 at Auto Zone on front brakes and replacing them, hoping that I just have bad brakes shoes on the front, but without my own floor jack this poses a problem. Any mechanics out there with another solution??

If you've recently cleaned your wheels or anything, you could have gotten shit on your discs/pads, which could cause the squeaking.

Otherwise if the pads and everything are OK, my only guess would be that the rider is set too far ahead of the pad.
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